“Discover How To Get Your Hands On A High-End Top-Of-The-Line Product… Without Lifting A Finger Or Doing ANY Of The Hard Work!”

In just a few short minutes from right now you could be making sales and generating cash profit without having to do ANY of the hard stuff…

Dear Friend:

Are you interested in becoming the instant owner of a top-notch product people are absolutely RAVING about?

Still better, do you want to:

Immediately own a product that ANYONE who uses a computer would love to have (People buy this on emotional all day long)

Instantly start selling a product that hundreds of people have considered to be life-changing (Read on to see exactly why)

Get your hands on a big ticket top-notch product that can be sold for $97, $197, $297… or more?

If so, this literally may be the most exciting thing you read about today.

If You’d Like A Big Ticket Item To Sell
Handed To You On A Silver Platter…

…then this is for you.

You see, about a year ago, I purchased a license to an incredible program called Action Enforcer. In case you’re not familiar with it, it’s a program people can either use via their desktop (with a PC) or online to take control of their time.

To put it simply, Action Enforcer helps make sure you don’t waste time online.

When clients use this, there’s no finding that they’ve wasted hours on forums. They’re not watching TV shows on the internet any more. They’re getting work done… and a LOT of it.

Since I originally put this on the market, people have called it revolutionary… a life-changer… and reported that they’ve gotten at least double their workload done on a daily basis.

I have sold many products online in my day (at least 50+), but I can honestly say this is one of the best-reviewed ones I’ve ever sold. People are absolutely overjoyed with it.

And now I’m giving you the opportunity to sell it as your own product.

Instantly Add Action Enforcer
(One Of My Most Loved Products)
To Your Product Arsenal.

This program is a VERY easy sell. Just tell people a little about what it does (and you do get rights to our sales letter, of course) and you’ll immediately get a ton of interest.

Here are just some of the benefits people ADORE about Action Enforcer:

  • Never again be paralyzed by taking action on big tasks — Action Enforcer makes it EASY for you to get things done
  • Get laser-like focus into what you need to get done every day
  • Build unstoppable momentum as completing each task propels you to get even more done, faster and more efficiently than ever
  • Never again feel guilty about finding you’ve spent too much time on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, or wherever else
  • Smash all nagging tasks with a sledgehammer

If these have piqued your interest, you’re not the only one. This offer converts extremely well because the need to be productive is something that everyone deals with.

The Market For This Is HUGE.

To begin with, any internet marketer could get a lot out of this. I’ve sold hundreds of copies, but there are thousands upon thousands of marketers who’d love to get their hands on this.

The market doesn’t stop there though. Not at all. ANYBODY who uses a computer could benefit from this:

Students (This would go great in either the college market or in the home-schooling market)

Real estate agents



Busy parents

Business owners

People with office jobs

….ANYONE with a computer (read: one BILLION people)

No matter WHAT niche you’re in, there’s probably an opportunity to cross-sell Action Enforcer.

You could also license Action Enforcer to entire companies who want to increase employee productivity.

I hope you re-read that last line again. Besides being a great sell online, the offline implications for this are ENORMOUS.

And you can sell this to your heart’s content, because I’m about to make you a no-brainer offer.

Full Resale Rights Are
Yours For Only $197
If You Sign Up Today.

I know what you’re thinking – why so cheap? What’s the catch?

The truth is I do have a bit of a “hidden agenda”. I like to overdeliver. It’s good for my reputation. Sure, I could do a nice whiz-bang sales pitch and easily ask for $997…$1997… or even more (and it would be worth it) – but I’d rather you be over-the-top overjoyed with the value I’ve given you. Obviously if I give you such a positive experience I know you’ll come back later, and hey – that’s good for business.

Sound fair?

Here’s everything you get:

Full and complete resale rights to the software and desktop version of Action Enforcer (So not only can you sell it to other people but you can sell the rights for THEM to sell it.)

A color-changeable interface so users can set the colors they like (The rest of the visual interface was sold to me “as is” and the source code cannot be changed)

All promotional sales material (Including the sales letter, the demo video people can watch, and the Help videos I’ve created)

Lifetime support from me if you have any questions

Because it’s quite simple to see the value here, I’ll let you get right to it:

Yes! Dennis, Please Let Me Have 100% Full Resale Rights To Action Enforcer!

I understand I’ll be downloading full rights for a tiny one-time investment of just $197 when I act now!

I also realize I have nothing left to lose, since you’re generous enough to offer me a 30 day money-back guarantee if I’m unsatisfied in any way.

I’ll see you on the other side,


Dennis Becker

P.S. Don’t forget – the market for this is enormous. If you get this you’ll instantly have the opportunity to sell more products to your customers. Without it you’re literally throwing money on the table. Secure Your Copy Now!

P.P.S. With our generous guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose and a LOT to gain. Don’t wonder what if – with our no-risk guarantee, just see for yourself. Grab Your Copy Now.