Challenge yourself to succeed, and you will. We'll try to make sure of it!
Everybody knows they should have goals. Short term, medium term, long term.
Actually I like to think of them in a different way. To me a goal is something that I'm reaching for, but realize that it might be out of touch.
Instead I like to make promises to myself. If I promise myself I'll do something, it's more likely that it will get done than if I set a goal to do something. It's twisting words, sure, but words can make all the difference in the world to your subconcious.
Even better is if you make promises to yourself, and make those promises public. And that's what the Personal Challenges sub-forum is for. You're telling your fellow members what you intend to accomplish, get their encouragement, and along the way to your target you post your intermediate progress.
As you can see, the challenges are many and varied, this is just a small sample, of course. As you can see there was a 24 hour article marketing challenge, which was a coordinated group challenge, where many members joined in and wrote as many articles as they possibly could within 24 hours.