Hey guys, Rachel here!
You know… I’ve been getting a TON of JV requests lately.
It seems the more sales I make, the more the JV requests pour in.
For a while, my initial response was to get frustrated. It felt like so many people wanted something from me, and I am NOT willing to create the time to review through hundreds of products per week.
And Dennis and I obviously want to make sure we’re only emailing you about QUALITY products, so not reviewing isn’t an option.
But eventually I had a lightbulb moment!
Why not get a team of reviewers to review the products FOR us?
The reviewers are the ones who can make sure the products are high quality… and they also let me know if they think we should email out list about them.
This is EXTREMELY helpful for me… and then the reviewers get the products they review for free, which works for them too.
And then I had ANOTHER lightbulb moment.
One day a review came in for a course that my reviewer suggested I NOT promote. She said the concept was very interesting but it was too “black hat” to promote.
Now, I wouldn’t email about a black hat product…. but my curiousity was VERY piqued and I had to immediately download the product.
Around the same time, Judy Kettenhofen suggested we have a blog where we list all the product reviews the reviewers do.
This made perfect sense to me, and the “Product Reviews” category on this blog was born!
To be clear: these reviews will be COMPLETELY honest. We’ll have favorable reviews, unfavorable reviews, and everything in between.
The goal is to make this a win/win for everyone.
Here’s What YOU Can Do:
1. Make to sure to subscribe so you can see all of the product reviews. Hit “like” on our Facebook page here, where we’ll be updating in real-time, and/or sign up for our RSS Feed.
2. Check here BEFORE you buy products to see if they’re worth your time and/or money.
3. Let us know if there are products you’d like to see us review!
I sincerely hope this helps you out a LOT.
I know I’m very excited for it!!!