Lazy Autopilot Profits and OTO Review

by Michaela

This is a product review on Lazy Autopilot Profits and its OTO, another product in our review series.

Lazy Autopilot Profits presents a fast, new way to earn hands-off money with Facebook fan pages.

What our reviewer had to say:

This is a good product.  It shows  you how to make money using Facebook. The main product shows him setting up a CPA offer on a page and driving traffic to it. 

The bonus (8 Videos) goes into how to set up a complete page and how to set up ads. He goes into how to get your ads approved and get a low click cost.

The OTO is one video on how to set up a landing page for a CPA offer and how to modify it to fit different niches. He also gives you the graphics and code to make the landing page.

I don’t know how much the OTO costs, but if it was more than a few dollars I would be upset. (The OTO would be best suited for a beginner.)

I wouldn’t have a problem recommending this product if this disclaimer is put into it:

“This product as it stands now will only be good till June of 2012 when the changes that FaceBook will put into action.  At that time Facebook will start requiring people to use SSL certificates.”

People will have a good 6 to 8 months to make money with the program/methods which will give them a chance to make their money back for the product.

Also, I forget to mention, to get the kind of traffic that they are talking about you have to pay for Facebook ads. If you don’t have the money to pay for the ads the methods will not be as effective.

Click here to learn more about Lazy Autopilot Profits and its OTO.

Facebook comments:

  • John

    maybe I misunderstood his plan but it sounded to me like you set up an ad page with facebook under what would be acceptable under their TOS. Then you go back after it’s approved and re-do the ad so it is much harder hitting but would not be acceptable to FB if they knew about it, thus taking advantage of the premise that they probably won’t check on you. To me if that’s true it is a BIG fly in the ointment. It sounds dishonest and I can’t do dishonest. I would love it if someone could correct me because I would really like to utilize FB for profit and it sounds like a good plan otherwise. Sorry for the wordiness. John


  • Judy Kettenhofen

    Legitimate concerns.
    And I can see why you might get that impression.
    There’s a difference between “disallowed” and “hard to get approval for.”
    It’s hard to say more without revealing parts of the product — but there is much much more to the product than just the part you are concerned about, and other ways to deal with the particular area that you find problematic.


  • Bill


    You’re right that editing the landing page post ad approval was mentioned as a tactic. But its just a tactic and is not required to implement the strategies in the program. Many users choose to not have the landing page be the ad page at all – better for building community.

    And didn’t FB start requiring SSL already (October 1st)?



  • Mike

    The SSL is only required if the fanpage is hosted outside of Facebook.


  • Judy Kettenhofen

    FBML fanpages become “unsupported” in Jan 1, 2012 according to current FB guidelines — and reportedly (?) will stop working (?) if I interpret the FB language correctly — June 1, 2012.

    There have been updates to the product that talk about not using fbml at all.

    Problem solved!

    Live JoyFully!



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