A few days ago I asked people to tell me what their biggest internet marketing challenge was.
One person told me, “I’m not really sure how to get myself out there. Ultimately i’d like to connect with potential clients. I’m a life coach, but I am also a networker. So there’s 2 different hats here…I dont have my site ready yet !! I have kind of just been going by word of mouth and FB.”
Because so many people are in this position… wearing multiple hats and struggling…. I wanted to post the response I put on Facebook onto the blog.
Here’s what I said, slightly modified to address a larger audience:
If you’re wearing multiple hats, and not making as much money as you’d like, odds are you’re trying to be too much to too many people.
Make no mistake – I am all about being MULTIPASSIONATE. I have several different businesses in several niches.
But that being said, first I SEE AN IDEA THROUGH… and then I move onto the other things.
I feel what you should do is pick ONE… the idea that is currently making you the most money…. and focus on that.
Go with the 80/20 rule… what’s making you 80% of your income right now?
It might not be the thing you “love”, but my opinion is that if you have the money coming in, you can feel much freer to go after what you love… and phase out the money-job later.
It’s not the “sexy” advice that most people say (“do what you love and the money will follow”), but I feel that knowing you have a secure income in place will really help your basic needs first, and then you can expand from there.
If you’re good on money, then go for the one you love.
But I really think picking ONE thing will be your biggest leverage point. And after that’s systemized, you can move onto the next thing. There’s no need to stifle yourself in the long term at all… but in the short term….
If you chase 2 rabbits, both will escape. So simplify.
After I knew which one she picked, I could give her more advice on how to get “out there”. But it would really be pointless otherwise.