Shortly after this email gets sent, I’ll be on my way to Atlantic
City, and while there I might possibly be making an offer on the
condo that we looked at, along with others, last month.
It’s been a dream of mine virtually forever to have an oceanfront
place where I can walk on the beach or boardwalk in the mornings,
watch the sun rise, listen to the ocean’s roar, etc.
And of course, be able to do that any time that I want. This won’t
be our permanent residence, but it could be at some point if our
home becomes too much to keep with.
Being an Internet marketer has made that dream possible. Not just
for the money involved, but for the independence.
No, I don’t EVER want to retire, but I do want to relax more than I
have in past years, and this will make that possible. It will be a
place where I can work while still enjoying the view from our 3
balconies in the condo, overlooking the ocean.
What’s your dream as we enter the end of one year and the start of
What’s your “why” to succeed? Would you like to make a significant
lifestyle change?
It can happen… dream it, believe it, plan it, achieve it (now
where did I see that written before?).
Here are this week’s new downloads:
Premium Pricing Graphics, version 2:
Kindle Cash Success:
Quit Your Job:
Forum threads of note:
What do you think about this service (drip feed blogs) that Brad
Gosse has been selling, seemingly very successfully?
The first couple responses, and the lack of any others, seems to
tell me that nobody’s overly enthusiastic about it, but the
responses in the WSO thread are pretty good.
No affiliate links, because I’m thinking of offering this service
myself, actually, but I don’t want to invest in the engine if my
best advisors (here) aren’t at least luke warm over it.
Tom says FireFox is bloatware:
Maybe time for me to try Chrome (shudder).
Steve’s starting an unsubscribe challenge:
(but not from my emails )
You can rent Adobe products now:
Amazon affiliate, question about banned states:
Jon says Google Wallet has a security flaw:
Mike stumbled on a massive list of product/WSO ideas:
WordPress 3.3 hit the streets, any thoughts?
Here’s Shay’s game plan for 2012, what’s yours?
Judy’s advice about challenges and goals:
Tom needs advice about display ads:
Interesting quote from Robert Plank:
Good case studies? Maybe:
Would you make an offer like this to your list?
Don’t eat sacred cows:
The most complete domaining course ever created won’t be complete
without your ideas:
Feedback on eBook idea?
What’s your favorite mindset book?
How to use articles which are already on your main site?
How to validate product creation ideas?
A very eye-opening meeting:
Shay hit another 1K day:
And maybe one for Judy:
Question about htaccess:
Anybody notice auto-subscribe inside an AdWords ad?
Remember, there’s a special section in the forum called “Special
Offers (By Authors), where members offer their products at a
special price to members.
I’d rather not highlight each one individually, so that this email
doesn’t start looking like a classified ad section, but sometimes
you can get some nice bargains and support your forum friends, so
please remember to check it out next time you drop by the forum:
Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t remember this, all
the weekly emails, from the beginning of time, are archived on the
blog here:
If you ever miss an email, or want to check the archives, you can
always go there and do a search.
Another reminder: I get asked (a lot) about the affiliate program
to Earn1KaDay. A thread was set up long ago with details, here:
That’s just a short review of some of the highlights, there is much
more going on all the time at the forum. Don’t be a stranger
there, that’s where the primary value of your membership is, after
all. We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a lounge
there if you want to unwind), we’re there to learn from each other,
and share with each other, and as you can see from the above sample
threads, there’s a lot of that happening.
Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.