Top 5 Ways To Stay Organized In 2012…

by Rachel Rofe

Hey guys,

Rachel here! :)

As I write this, we’re still in the beginning of 2012.

Dennis and I just had a call where we discussed our goals. We’ve had plenty of ideas, but the one theme that really resounded:

We want 2012 to be the year where your dreams come true.

And we want to do everything we can to help.

And to start you off, I’ve decided to create a list of 5 ways you can make sure that happens.

5.  Reverse-engineer your outcome.

What do you want to create this year?

If you want to create an income stream that earns you $10k/month, for example…. reverse engineer how you can make that happen.

Usually I love to use a 3-subject notebook. On the last section of my notebook, I list out all my yearly goals (such as earning $10k/month).

On the second section, I break down how I can achieve those goals in 3-6 month increments (like having 500 people pay $20/month).

The first section is daily to-do items where I break down the second section even more. This helps me keep my eye on the end goal.

It’s astoundingly easy to complete most goals once you have a clear picture of what you want and a plan to get there.

4. Get OFF The Email Lists.

Holy moley! I signed up for a donation WSO a month or so ago. My assistant had to sign up to a ton of lists in order to get the products.

Seeing all the emails that came through on a daily basis was freakin’ CRAZY!

Because I’d unsubscribed from most lists years ago, I forgot how distracting all those emails could be!

One after another, another email would drop in, promoting some product.


We promptly unsubscribed from most of them.

If a marketer is NOT giving you content in their emails, I suggest you do one of two things:

a) Unsubscribe with a quickness…

b) Create a different email address where most marketer stuff goes, and only get the important ones to your email inbox.

That’s what I do. I’m subscribed to like 4 or 5 lists on my personal email, and everything else goes to another email address that I only check if I’m looking for something specific.

(By the way, I’m not worried about telling you this. I know *I* put content in every email I put out. Even if I am promoting something you opt not to buy, I still feel good knowing you’re getting value from my emails.

I also know I reply when people write to me. It’s not about fast-cash and I DO care about helping people. So if you choose to unsubscribe, I’m not going to take it personally… I know I’m doing everything I can to make a difference.)

3. Stay FOCUSED On Your Goal.

Everyone loves to say that people don’t succeed because they don’t “take action”.

I call BS on that.

Many people write to me, nearly every day, asking for help around certain things. They’re frustrated because they’re not making enough money (if any).

They ARE taking action…

It’s just that they’re taking UNFOCUSED action.

They haphazardly try one thing for a month or two, it doesn’t work out, then they move to something else.

Or they become afraid they won’t reach their goals, so they move on to something else so they don’t have to admit failure.

If you have a goal, stay focused on it. Be OK with failure.

Realize you’re going to HAVE to fall a few times if you want to reach your goal.

It’s basic math. The more shots you take, the more odds you’ll miss some of them.

The more odds you’ll also make some though.

(Side note: The War Of Art is a phenomenal book. I recommend you skim the description and if it resonates with you, buy it. :) )

(Another side note… this doesn’t mean you have to stay focused on one thing forever. I personally love coming up with tons of ideas. But I systemize the first ones first.)

2. STOP Buying Products.

I tell this story a lot… but when I first started making money online, I was making $500-$800 a day from the very beginning.

When I got on a bunch of lists, and had all these “better ideas”, my income TANKED.

Now I ONLY buy products if they’re relevant to my goals.

So I’m not anti-purchases… I think they’re very important and I am happy to invest money in my goals…

But I will ONLY buy them when they’re going to help me with my outcome.

1. Get Off The Computer.

For the love of all that is holy! :) We’re not meant to be sitting on the computer for tons of hours per day.

Getting off the computer will help you actually feel alive :)

If you want to make a “business” reason for it… getting offline will help you bring in more perspective, which will help you bring in more ideas.

You’ll also feel happier to spend time with people in person, and then bring your BEST when you sit down to work.

…and that wraps this up. I wish you a PHENOMENAL 2012 and really hope this is the best year of your life so far.

With love,

P.S. If you’re interested in something that ties all of these top 5 together, I recommend Product Drop. (And especially soon, because the price is going up on Wednesday.)

(If you think my saying that is hypocritical after the post I just made, you can find a list of reasons why I recommend it here.)


With love,

Facebook comments:

  • bj

    Oh dear, you too must have bought that Phillipines Charity WSO! . . . took me a WEEK to get off all the lists, though there are a couple I stayed on since they weren’t spammy and were within what I’m focusing on.

    Re focus– when I need to get stuff done I turn off the email program, I turn off skype, and since I keep facebook and other timesinks in a separate browser window I close that browser window. Then I get to work. I do take breaks when I turn that stuff back on for a bit, but then I turn ‘em all off again when I go back to work. Those of us who work at home have to treat this, at least in some ways, as a job. Productive activity is necessary for us to thrive. So shut down the distractions!

    Have a prosperous New Year, Rachel!


    RachelRofe Reply:

    Hahaha… I won’t say which WSO. ;)

    I LOVE the cause, and I love that so many people participated… just… yuch on all the emails.

    Loving your separate browser and turning off all the distractions!

    I have someone working on a cool gmail plugin now which will even block email from coming in, even if I *want* it. ;)

    SUPER excited about it!!!

    Happy New Year!!!! =)


  • Dee

    Hi Rachel
    I totally agree with you.
    Personally I use a diary and do daily, weekly,monthly and yearly goals. I am getting better orgamized this year and now have folders for posts amd articles so they will be easier to find.
    I have unsubscribed and deleted 10MB of emails.
    I find it difficult to take a computer break. I am a full time carer so jump on when I can and stay on as long as I can. Some days I get very little time if Eddie needs a ot of care, but it is important to take breaks.


    RachelRofe Reply:

    =) I LOVE those ideas Dee!!

    And holy moley, 10 MB emails!!! That should qualify for some kind of record.

    Definitely agree on taking breaks. Maybe it’ll help to make small goals while you’re online, then breaks in between reaching those small goals, so you’ll feel like you accomplished something and are therefore “rewarded” to take a break? :)

    Happy New Year!


  • Carlin

    Hey Rachel :)

    Great post!
    Best wishes for the new year!


    RachelRofe Reply:

    :) Hey Carlin! Thank you, and back at you! I hope this turns out to be the year that your wildest dreams come true! :)


  • Flo Williams

    Thanks Rachel. I am slowly coming to agreement to quit lists and quit buying. Lots of good stuff at the end of the year for a good price, but you are right. I am tired today for staying up buying things. At least I have started making decisions about the type of business plans I will and won’t tackle and try and keep the buying to those. But when the price is right I feel I have to get something that I will use down the road aways. Geeeezzz I got Product Drop and have not had a chance to get there. Same with e1kad. but I see you guys are buying good stuff for us and I am going to just trust you. I feel really good about this year and don’t want to squander this one by not pulling the trigger. I still wonder about that donation WSO-it is still open, but hearing your experience I am not sure I have the strength, and there were only a couple things I really wanted. In short, I needed this.


    RachelRofe Reply:

    Thank you so much for your trust. That means a tremendous amount to me, and I know to Dennis too.

    I’m glad you needed this post, and I hope it really helps you as you plan out your 2012. :)


  • Joe Emmet


    Came to these conclusions in November while I was working on plans for the new year.

    Parting is such sweet sorrow!

    I know where to find you. If I think I need something, I’ll check back with you to see if you have it, or are an affiliate for someone who does.

    Here’s to a great 2012, and beyond. . .



    RachelRofe Reply:

    Happy New Year Joe! I wish you all the best. :)


  • Jill Heijligers-Peloquin

    Oh Rachel – getting OFF the computer is such a great priority! I HAVE to go outside to clear my head – even if I’m taking a coaching call or answering product questions (some of which I have answered hundreds of times! lots of great people have the same question; just presented in their own ‘voice’, right?). If I take my puppy (or a cup of Begal Spice Tea AND my puppy!) OUTSIDE, I get completely rejuvenated! My head feels light – I find my humor again; and boy – even though I decorated my office to be a peaceful, beautiful place – I HAVE to escape OFTEN! :)
    (and I LOVE the subject notebook approach!)


    RachelRofe Reply:

    Hehhehe re: the questions asked a hundred times ;)

    I LOVE that you get so rejuvenated so quickly!!! I think I will do that too now. :) Whenever I need a break, I’ll just walk outside the cafe, get some fresh air (ignoring the cars nearby, hehe)… and come back feeling great.

    I’m reading Steve Jobs’ biography and they said every time he ever made a decision, he went for a long walk to think about it. Makes so much sense!

    And seeing your eyelash studio, and knowing your design skills, I bet your office is DIVINE!


  • Lisa Santos

    Rachel, fantastic tips for 2012! I especially like the last one as I think most people don’t take time to breathe fresh air and then end up burning out by spending too much time on the computer.

    Here’s to a great 2012!


    RachelRofe Reply:

    :) Thank you so much Lisa! I agree, and I’ve definitely been guilty of it in the past.

    Now I know the “telltale” signs… when my head starts to get a little heavy, and I start to get cranky… time to GET AWAY! =)


  • Mike

    OK so obviously you’ve been peeking through my window because 1. I spend up to an hour going through all my emails each morning 2. Buy way too many products (over 150 WSOs in 2 years) not to mention all the clickbank products and everything else. 3. Jump from method to method without actually fully completing what I started. Lack of focus. 4. Have started not enjoying what I’m doing because I’m behind a computer all day at work then come home and spend the rest of my waking hours sitting at my laptop.
    So I set myself some goals for 2012. Most of what you’ve said above, and I also have decided to start outsourcing. I’ve realised I don’t need to know and do everything. I can spend time doing what’s important to me and get someone else to do those mundane things.
    Here’s to a happy, healthy and successful 2012.


    RachelRofe Reply:

    :) Good for you and your goals!

    And yes, outsourcing ROCKS. That’s definitely one of the most important things you can do, in my opinion. :)

    I hope you get some more time offline so you don’t get burnt out too. =)


  • Andy W

    Love that suggestion about getting off lists.. That was one of the first things I did in 2012 and so glad I did. Volume of emails was getting overwhelming – not just from marketers, but all the usual suspects of businesses selling, etc.

    As for the ‘quit buying’.. I think my downfall in 2011 was to buy stuff that looked good. Don’t get me wrong, a good product is a good product. But it’s only of value if I can implement it now! Out of the 30 or so WSOs I purchased, I only implemented 2-3 of them. It’s not a huge outlay of cash overall, but it’s a lot of wasted time. So I’m going to endeavour only to purchase tools that fit in with what I’m doing right now or will be doing in the coming month. (We’ll see how that goes!!)


    RachelRofe Reply:

    YES!! I agree. I’ve been off everything… clothing stores, Vital Choice (salmon), all of it. When I’m ready, I’ll go there. :)

    And I love the new goal! :)


  • SEO Carl

    Love the post nicely put! I almost lost control of my inbox to crap last year, has taken me a while setting up new email addresses and unsubscribing like mad! I really like the ‘pick the one thing you want to do today method’, then shutting everything else down and just doing that. The rest of the day will sort itself, information overload blows your brain and your productivity!


    Rachel Rofe Reply:

    SEO Carl YES!!! I love that too… picking the highest leverage, most money-making activity, and forgetting about the rest. That’s VERY smart. Good on you!!!! :)


    RachelRofe Reply:

    YES!!! I love that too… picking the highest leverage, most money-making
    activity, and forgetting about the rest. That’s VERY smart. Good on


  • Rosella Young

    Hello, Rachel. I am responding to #5 in your above article. It just so happened a couple of days ago a friend told me she didn’t like my long monthly ezines. I thought they were great, full of content, information, community bulletin board announcements, stories, testimonials, promotions at the end only, and action items. One time I did do a contest. Only one person participated. So content doesn’t always work. Because I received very little response to my ezines, I simply stopped doing them in October. I haven’t heard from one person asking where the ezines are or what happened. So obviously it wasn’t something people were interested in. It all gets back to relationships. So I’m spending my time with that end of my business. I do have enough people in my court now to let me know when good trade shows are happening, a great business speaker is coming to town, workshops are happening, teleseminars and webinars are happening, and referral sources looking out for me. The problem is that’s all fine and dandy as long as you’re selling. It’s just a bunch of fluff if nothing is happening. Even though sales are not jumping in the sky, I know my company name is getting out there and what I stand for is eventually on the rise to show people how I’m different from my competitors. For example, one of my competitors is a well known new pottery at a well known discount store: Lower price, etc. However, I know my pottery quality is better and the long-term value is higher. But, people don’t care about that. They just want something at a discount, even if they have to buy it five times during a year because it doesn’t last. So they really are spending more on that one item instead of paying one price once in 50 years and still pass it on as a family heirloom. But people don’t want that either. They just want something now. If it breaks or doesn’t last for some reason, it’s too easy to just toss it or donate it and buy another one. So that’s part of my competition. Of course, that practice has been going on for 100 years. Nothing new there. So I’ve been working on my specific niche. That’s my goal for 2012. For example, collectors, people who shop at high-end department stores, wedding registries, house warming ideas, room organizing, and people who love high-end wall art and furniture. I guess I need to pin point one or two not all at once. People from all walks of life visit department stores. That’s why I don’t understand that concept with direct selling. Well, that’s why I like the trade shows. My drawings are great ways to produce more new leads. However, I may only get one good customer out of 50. So sometimes I feel like I’m giving my good stuff away for the drawings. So that’s another area to hone on. There’s really a lot of different avenues to pay attention to in order for direct selling to really work and make a profit. It all boils down to relationships. Great personalities, talent and knowledge means nothing without comfortable and trust worthy relationships. The sales will come naturally and with ease the more relationship skills you have. So I decided to spend my time in that direction. I see I got carried away with my comment. Thank you for your time in reading this long message. Happy New Year from Alaska! Take care. Rosella Young, AA-1 Designs, Invest in yourself P.S. Please note my website only operates in the U.S. Int’l readers please google Longaberger to find one near your area.


    RachelRofe Reply:

    :) Good for you Rosella!! I love that you’re not letting the competition get you down, and instead, carving out a new niche for YOURSELF!

    There’s definitely a market for it. :)

    Happy New Year!


  • Yvette

    Many many thanks Rachel, much appreciated and a leveller when everyone else wants to sell to us!
    Greatly appreciated , much love xx


    Rachel Rofe Reply:

    Yvette :) Thank you so much!! I get that selling is part of the “job”… I just think it can be done a little more classily (If that’s not a word, I just made it one! hehe!)… and not on a second-by-second basis. ;)

    Happy New Year!!! :)


  • Peter Hons

    You said it so well and so honestly Rachel. It’s all very true and great that you put this out. Every business person should read this. Great stuff!!


  • Peter Hons

    Great stuff Rachel. Every business person should read this. Very true and honest advice.
    As with others here, much respect for you also.


  • Cheryl G Burke

    Thanks for the fun, “Sharing.” 
    After reading Rosella’s comments above, I wondered if it might not help, (if she is not already doing this, however from her comments it does not sound as though she is) for her to make, drawing gifts, of such things as, “How To’s,” or, “Articles” about a particular form of pottery art, something that she does not feel a particular, “Loss,” in giving away free? In this way, she will still have her artwork to place before the marketplace for sale, while still having an attraction to draw interest.  Just a thought!
    Cheryl G


  • James Elliott

    Thanks for sharing.  I am working on getting off a lot of list because all they send is free gifts with nothing but but opt in to get on  more list to get more of the same thing. I wish them luck but they will have to make some
    changes. Because I am on Social Security I haven’t bought much. attery got low so I pluged it it in and watched the finish of the movie. Now I am going to get on the desktop and start deleting emails and getting off list.

    Enjoy your weekend,



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