[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 6/26/2020 …

by 5buckguy

Welcome back, brave reader.

We’ve made it to Friday once more, and
once more we look at the light at the
end of the long, long tunnel named COVID-19.

Major league baseball is on the way back,
it seems, though I really have doubts that
they’ll be able to play out the rest of
the season before problems arise due to

We’ll see, and hope that I’m wrong.

Our town is having a street fair tomorrow
with outdoor dining and I guess booths and
residents strolling through the area to
see what store owners have to offer.

I’d love to go, but I’ll stay home and safe
from those without masks or with the virus,
whether they know it or not.

Plus, with 90+ degree heat, wearing a mask
is the least comfortable thing that I can

I’m working on a challenge that I hope to
announce next week. As you know if you’ve
read my emails, there was a high priced
challenge course, and a low priced one as
well (from Sean Mize). I bought them both.

This should be an interesting experiment
and I had an epiphany in the middle of the
night about it that I need to bring to

What have you been working on? Have you
had any breakthroughs lately due to being
cooped up from the pandemic and having
extra time to think (hopefully)?

If not, stick with it, ideas will come
and we might look back on this time, for
those who haven’t lost loved ones, as
one of the best times ever.

Stay safe and have a great week.


Here are this week’s new downloads:

Get More Clients:

The Work From Home Professional:


New forum threads of note:

Secret affiliate marketing ideas for more profits:


The first brave step for affiliate marketing:


Affiliate marketing for non-IM folk:


17+ ideas to overcome affiliate email writers block:


Boldly diving into affiliate marketing for success:


Spine tingling uses of GIFs in Instagram:


Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t
remember this, all the weekly emails, from the
beginning of time, are archived on the blog here:


If you ever miss an email, or want to check the
archives, you can always go there and do a search.

Another reminder: I get asked (a lot) about the
affiliate program to Earn1KaDay. A thread was set
up long ago with details, here:



That’s just a short review of some of the highlights,
there is much more going on all the time at the
forum. Don’t be a stranger there, that’s where the
primary value of your membership is, after all.

We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a
lounge there if you want to unwind), we’re there to
learn from each other, and share with each other,
and as you can see from the above sample threads,
there’s a lot of that happening.


Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.

Dennis, the 5 Bucks a Day Guy.

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