[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 8/28/2020 …

by 5buckguy

Good morning. I hope you’re well, and stay
that way. :-)

Another week of the pandemic. Another week
with social unrest in the U.S.. When will it end?

Obviously I have no answers, only empathy,
and will continue doing what I do.

The most I can think of to do is to continue
to try to help anyone who comes to me needing
help in learn how to earn money online.

And also to cast my vote in the upcoming
elections, and I hope you do also, with your
heart, however you wish.

Well, that and try to help anyone who
comes to me needing help in learning
how to earn money online.

Mother Nature hasn’t been kind either this
week to many of us. I hope you’re not in
the path of any such nastiness.

The good news is that as online marketers
we can make our own schedules around all
the insanity going on around us, and we
do have a large degree of control over
how much we earn.

At least that’s in theory, though it may
not seem that way all the time. But yes,
once we acquire the assets that are truly
necessary to succeed, and work diligently
to put those assets into motion, anything
is possible.

Good luck and best wishes doing that.


Here are this week’s new downloads:


Propel: Harness & Sustain Momentum:


New forum threads of note:

Ideas for exciting email newsletters:


Exciting powers of organic Shopify SEO:


Marketing advice for 2020:


Retired people… is it really that easy to profit online?


Making money from membership sites:


The art of holiday profiting:


Powering up Slack productivity:


Don’t forget about our Facebook group, it’s always
buzzing with activity from not only our Earn1KaDay
friends, but also with those who haven’t yet made
the commitment to join us:



Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t
remember this, all the weekly emails, from the
beginning of time, are archived on the blog here:


If you ever miss an email, or want to check the
archives, you can always go there and do a search.


That’s just a short review of some of the highlights,
there is much more going on all the time at the
forum. Don’t be a stranger there, that’s where the
primary value of your membership is, after all.

We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a
lounge there if you want to unwind), we’re there to
learn from each other, and share with each other,
and as you can see from the above sample threads,
there’s a lot of that happening.


Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.

Dennis, the 5 Bucks a Day Guy.

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