Good morning.
Did this week go by more quickly than most?
Maybe it’s because of the excitement of
the upcoming election, and baseball playoffs
and football, and all that fun…
Wow, and to think Halloween is almost here,
quickly followed by Thanksgiving, and then
Christmas, and then 2021…
OMG, I can hardly wait for 2020 to be over!
But other than the obvious, it’s been a
good year so far… actually any year that
ends above ground and able to type these
Friday updates is good as far as I’m
How about you? Are you keeping up with
things that matter, and making progress
on things that matter to yourself and
to others?
If not, ask for help. We have a forum
and a Facebook group for that, you know.
Until then, let’s see what’s happening
in your forum.
Here are this week’s new downloads:
Private Newsletter, issue 33:
Go-To Guidebook to Ideas:
New forum threads of note:
The joys of Twitter profiting:
The art of cost-conscious free advertising:
Even more awesome ways for content marketing authority:
Becoming THE authority in social media… today:
Making FB and Instragram work for you:
Powerpoints that include video:
97+ remote working tools:
Don’t forget about our Facebook group, it’s always
buzzing with activity from not only our Earn1KaDay
friends, but also with those who haven’t yet made
the commitment to join us:
Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t
remember this, all the weekly emails, from the
beginning of time, are archived on the blog here:
If you ever miss an email, or want to check the
archives, you can always go there and do a search.
That’s just a short review of some of the highlights,
there is much more going on all the time at the
forum. Don’t be a stranger there, that’s where the
primary value of your membership is, after all.
We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a
lounge there if you want to unwind), we’re there to
learn from each other, and share with each other,
and as you can see from the above sample threads,
there’s a lot of that happening.
Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.
Dennis, the 5 Bucks a Day Guy.