Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 1/29/2021 …

by 5buckguy

Good morning.

Wow. It is definitely cold this
morning. With snow expected early
next week, it seems that winter
is indeed here.

Once again, thank goodness that
working inside from the comfort
of home is possible, without the
need to even make a short commute.

Normally this would be a weekend
when my wife and I would drive
down to the condo at the shore,
but we decided to stay home this
time. It’s not quite the same
there in the winter anyway, but
it is peaceful.

Still, the thought of driving in
the bitter cold wasn’t very
appetizing, so here we stay.

This will give me a chance to
catch up on some things that I’m
behind on, and get ready for the
big football game coming next

If you’re a fan, I hope your
team wins.

Until then, keep moving forward,
the other direction is definitely
not recommended.

And of course, stay safe, and
stay warm.


Here are this week’s new downloads:

Step-by-step free ecover creation guide:

It’s the little things:


New forum threads of note:

Last minute Valentine’s Day marketing ideas:


Unmasking Robinhood for the little people:


Guest posting: is it dead?


The secret to LinkedIn groups:


10 cool Valentine’s Day marketing ideas:


Coming together amid impossible odds:


Deftly smooshing past ideas via depersonalization:


FB hacking protection:


Don’t forget about our Facebook group, it’s always
buzzing with activity from not only our Earn1KaDay
friends, but also with those who haven’t yet made
the commitment to join us:



Reminder: If you’re new to Earn1KaDay, or didn’t
remember this, all the weekly emails, from the
beginning of time, are archived on the blog here:


If you ever miss an email, or want to check the
archives, you can always go there and do a search.


That’s just a short review of some of the highlights,
there is much more going on all the time at the
forum. Don’t be a stranger there, that’s where the
primary value of your membership is, after all.

We’re not there to chat so much (though there is a
lounge there if you want to unwind), we’re there to
learn from each other, and share with each other,
and as you can see from the above sample threads,
there’s a lot of that happening.


Until next week, I wish you the very best in everything.

Dennis, the 5 Bucks a Day Guy.

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