[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 8/28/2020 …

Good morning. I hope you’re well, and stay that way. Another week of the pandemic. Another week with social unrest in the U.S.. When will it end? Obviously I have no answers, only empathy, and will continue doing what I do. The most I can think of to do is to continue to try to [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 8/21/2020 …

Here we are again… And thank you for being here week after week. I appreciate your readership, and of course that fact that you’re a loyal Earn1KaDay member. Some Fridays I just don’t know what to say, and today is one of those days. I have multiple big things to share next week, one of [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 8/14/2020 …

Good morning. It’s a brilliantly beautiful day today, and I love it! Earlier this week another storm passed through briefly, and briefly knocked our power out at home. No big deal, it was only a few hours. Last week was Isaias, which did a whole bunch of damage. I was fortunate and only had to [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 8/7/2020 …

Good morning. I realize this week was challenging for some on the eastern coast of the U.S., what with the tropical storm that packed way more punch than many expected. Trees and power lines down all over in our area, many without power since Tuesday and still waiting. Fortunately, I was spared, other than a [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 7/31/2020 …

Good morning. I hope your week went well. I need to reboot my brain, so I’m going to take some time off this weekend, soon after sending this. I have a lot of thinking to do about future direction and stuff, and while I have an idea about the direction, I need to clarify the [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 7/24/2020 …

Happy Friday. We’re smack dab in the midst of a heat wave, and it doesn’t look like it will let up anytime soon. That’s OK. I spend most of the time indoors or in the car anyway, but I enjoy heat much more than I enjoy cold. So there’s that. What I don’t enjoy is [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 7/17/2020 …

Good morning on yet another Friday weekly wrapup. I hope you’re well. This thing just keeps dragging on and on, doesn’t it? It’s been around 4 months, and it seems like 4 years. I can only imagine how my parents felt when World War II was dragging on for 4 real years. I read where [...]

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