[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 7/10/2020 …

Good morning, I hope you’re well. The weather forecast for today and tomorrow is far from anywhere near good, with Tropical Storm Fay coming up the coast. I’m driving south later this morning, so hopefully I’ll get where I’m going before she does. In any event, it’s time that I realize that what we see [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 7/3/2020 …

Good morning, and if you celebrate it, I hope you have a spectacular 4th of July/Independence Day weekend! It seems like we’ve all lost our independence this year, doesn’t it? There are things we have to do for the common good that we don’t really like doing… like wearing face coverings, like maintaining social distancing, [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 6/26/2020 …

Welcome back, brave reader. We’ve made it to Friday once more, and once more we look at the light at the end of the long, long tunnel named COVID-19. Major league baseball is on the way back, it seems, though I really have doubts that they’ll be able to play out the rest of the [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 6/19/2020 …

So here we are, another Friday. The virus is still out there, but now lots of places are choosing to ignore its existence in the interest of getting back to a new normal and restarting the economy. I hope it works. Confirmed cases of COVID 19 are up, but I suspect much of that is [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 6/12/2020 …

Happy Friday… I hope it is for you, at least. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as the lockdowns and closings and self- isolations… Barbershops can open on June 22nd, OMG I need a bunch of hairs cut! The Atlantic City casinos might open around the 4th of [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 6/5/2020 …

Happy Friday and good morning. I do really think that we are seeing the light at the end of the pandemic’s tunnel. Not that it’s gone by any stretch, but the financial markets have rebounded hugely, professional sports teams are planning to start playing again, most states in the U.S. are starting to reopen cautiously, [...]

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[Earn1KaDay] Your weekly update, 5/29/2020 …

Good morning. Yes, one week closer to the end of the pandemic, or relative end at least, where we can start living somewhat normally again. For now, I’d just be happy if they allow the barber shops to open again. Personally, this week hasn’t been fun for me. My wife and I went down to [...]

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